Artist Statement

During my day to day I am hiding from being present. I am searching for the no-man's-land where I reside between the angel on my shoulder and the dark numbness I fall into. I never feel like I am fully in a situation or moment, and I am becoming comfortable with this. I find myself currently working with mixed media to find this place.

My work evolves from a constant push and pull of my materials. I will start with an image of instant recognition. Then I will distort the image by merging, cutting and blacking out until I feel the work has made me reach a brief moment of homeostasis.

With my recent fascination with the ‘shadow’, black ink has been an important medium. The way the black ink has been a constant in my practice is a parallel to the constant presence of my ‘shadow’.

To push and pull my works I also use oil paint, thread and collage elements. My two dimensional works make me feel like I am sculpting as I layer, pierce and mend through the canvas.

Using this strong emotion of not wanting to be lost, but also not found, I place my figures in realms of shadow, shape and connection. My busy mind is tired, and the war of these two selves fighting needs to be expelled from me, so that I may step back and reside in between their harsh lines

You can keep up with my work by following my Instagram @makenna33.